Friday, September 30, 2011

waiting for babe sween's arrival

Today I'm 39w 5d and really excited for the arrival of our Peanut.  The question is, when will he/she be ready to make an appearance?  On Wednesday, I was 90% effaced, a fingertip dilated, and babe's head was right there.

Eric and I have decided to keep ourselves very busy this weekend to remain distracted. Maybe some spicy Mexican on Saturday will do the trick?  If nothing happens, I will return to my OB on Tuesday to see if anything has progressed.  If I am 3 cm dilated she can induce me that day.  If not, I will have to wait until Monday the 10th or sometime that week to be induced.  So, here I sit just waiting to go into labor with no contractions at the moment.  I have definitely been having irregular contractions and lots of cramps.  Every time they start I hope that they become worse and more painful.  Eric said, "well I don't want you to wish for pain" but I told him I got over that a long time.  Painful contractions are what is going to get this whole thing started, so bring it on.  Bring on the painful, regular contrax.  We're ready babesween.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Welcome to my blog! My due date is October 2nd and we are trying to wait patiently for our Peanut to make an appearance. At this point, I am not dilated or effaced yet. I am, however, feeling extra large and ready for the babe. We are so excited to find out whether I have been baking a girl or boy. Eric is convinced I have a little boy boy in there, but I'm unsure and change my mind every other day.

Here is our Peanut's room and of course Dex has a bed in there as well! He loves it.