Saturday, November 19, 2011

Evie met her maker

The day I got released from Dr. Russell's care he told me not to return for baby number 2 until "that baby is sleeping through the night." It just happens that Evie slept through the night for the first time before meeting her maker. So, is it time for baby number 2? Am I crazy? Yes, in fact I am crazy to already be thinking about a second one so let's see if I can hold off on this urge until next fall.

As for the little Evie pie -- she is growing so much. She attended her first UD tailgate and was baptized this past weekend. She is also officially sleeping through the night, but I don't want to jinx it. She is still sleeping and right now it is 6:40 am. At 5:30 I couldn't believe she was still sound asleep so I just laid there staring at her for an hour waiting for her to wake up, but nothing.  Right now she is still asleep and I'm up pumping...amazing :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

1 month

I can't believe our little Evelyn is already 1 month.  Time has never moved faster.

Memories from our first month:
- The first night home with Evie she wouldn't stop crying and we just kept thinking she was hungry. After a sleepless night and overfeeding-induced vomiting we learned that maybe she was just having a rough night.
- She loves bath time.  She hated it the first time, but after investing in a floating turtle thermometer we learned that keeping the temperature hotter gave us a happy baby.
- Anytime you open Evie's diaper take cover.  She has no shame when it comes to exploding all over you.
- She loves her little lamb swing.
- We love her smile.  It is so big, bright, and perfect.
- We went out to dinner to celebrate our 3 year anniversary and all we talked about was Ev.
- I told Eric that I'm ready to have a baby bump again.
- I love watching Eric with Ev and he loves singing the Beatles to her.
- Breastfeeding didn't work out, so pumping and mixing with a small amount of formula is what works best for us.
- Evie loves her nuk.
- Dexter loves Ev even though he always wants her nuk.
- We feel like our home is shrinking and being here all the time has prompted immediate home improvements!
- The best night of the week is Thursday when Eric gets home.
- I'm still learning how to take care of both Evie and Dex. A full day of getting Dex out for walks  and not forgetting to take him out before bed is such an accomplishment.
- I can't wait to start running again.
- We order pictures on a weekly basis and finally have filled frames with many pics of Ev.
- We can't imagine life without our little girl.