Friday, September 30, 2011

waiting for babe sween's arrival

Today I'm 39w 5d and really excited for the arrival of our Peanut.  The question is, when will he/she be ready to make an appearance?  On Wednesday, I was 90% effaced, a fingertip dilated, and babe's head was right there.

Eric and I have decided to keep ourselves very busy this weekend to remain distracted. Maybe some spicy Mexican on Saturday will do the trick?  If nothing happens, I will return to my OB on Tuesday to see if anything has progressed.  If I am 3 cm dilated she can induce me that day.  If not, I will have to wait until Monday the 10th or sometime that week to be induced.  So, here I sit just waiting to go into labor with no contractions at the moment.  I have definitely been having irregular contractions and lots of cramps.  Every time they start I hope that they become worse and more painful.  Eric said, "well I don't want you to wish for pain" but I told him I got over that a long time.  Painful contractions are what is going to get this whole thing started, so bring it on.  Bring on the painful, regular contrax.  We're ready babesween.

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